Interview: Xylophone Mykland


Xylophone Mykland had a spotlight feature with the Spoken Views Poetry Collective in Reno, Nevada on December 12, 2022. This interview was originally recorded for 97.7 KWNK, Reno’s Community Radio Station. This show originally aired December 11, 2022

Xylophone Mykland is a neurodivergent, agender lesbian poet. Their debut collection was published this year with First Matter Press. Their poetry opens conversation about mental illness, abuse, neglect, and all the growth experiences like that bring. They were part of the winning slam team at Southwest Shootout in 2018. When they're not writing poetry, you can find them Googling “androgynous outfits,” applying for public assistance, singing the alphabet backwards in under eight seconds, and thinking about poetry. Find them at or @xylophonepoetry on Instagram & Twitter.


The People’s Mic Episode 10


Interview: Michael Jasso